medical astrology

Itches and Skin Diseases According to Medical Astrology

In India, the connection between astrology and health has always been a subject of fascination. Medical astrology, an ancient practice, discusses how celestial bodies influence our physical well-being. This blog explores the relationship between astrology and skin diseases, and how planetary movements can affect our skin health.

What is Medical Astrology

Astro medicine course is the study of how the positions and movements of celestial bodies impact our health. Just as the moon influences tides, it’s believed that planets can influence our physical and emotional states. This ancient practice links specific planets to different parts of the body and various health issues, including skin diseases.

The Link Between Planets and Skin Problems

In medical astrology, skin problems are often associated with specific planets. Here’s a breakdown of which planets are typically linked to skin diseases:

  • Saturn: Saturn is frequently connected to chronic and persistent skin issues. If Saturn is negatively placed in your birth chart, you might experience conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or chronic dryness.
  • Mars: Mars represents energy and aggression. An ill-placed Mars can lead to inflammatory skin diseases such as acne, rashes, and boils. Its fiery nature can cause redness and irritation on the skin.
  • Mercury: Mercury governs communication and the nervous system. When Mercury is afflicted, it can lead to skin problems related to allergies and sensitivity, like dermatitis and hives.
  • Venus: Venus is linked to beauty and skin. A well-placed Venus usually indicates good skin health. However, if Venus is weak or afflicted, it can result in issues like acne, dull skin, or pigmentation problems.

Common Skin Diseases and Their Astrological Connections

Let’s look at some common skin diseases and their connections to astrology:

  • Eczema: Often associated with Saturn, eczema represents chronic skin inflammation. A weak Saturn in the birth chart can lead to persistent skin issues like eczema.
  • Acne: Mars is usually responsible for acne due to its fiery and aggressive nature. An afflicted Mars can cause outbreaks, especially during adolescence.
  • Psoriasis: Like eczema, psoriasis is also linked to Saturn. This chronic condition results from Saturn’s influence and can be aggravated during Saturn’s transit periods.
  • Hives: Mercury’s influence can cause allergic reactions and hives. If Mercury is afflicted, it can lead to hypersensitivity of the skin.

Remedies for Skin Disease in Astrology

Astrology offers various remedies to relieve skin diseases. Here are some common skin disease remedies in astrology:

  • Gemstones: Wearing specific gemstones can help balance the planetary influences. For instance, wearing a blue sapphire can strengthen a weak Saturn, potentially improving chronic skin conditions.
  • Mantras and Chants: Reciting specific mantras can appease the planets. For example, chanting the “Mangal Mantra” can help reduce the negative effects of Mars and thus help in controlling acne and inflammation.
  • Herbal Remedies: Certain herbs are linked to planetary influences. Neem, associated with Saturn, can be used to treat chronic skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis.
  • Color Therapy: Wearing colors associated with planets can help balance their energies. For instance, wearing blue can help reduce the negative effects of Saturn on the skin.
  • Fasting and Donations: Observing fasts on specific days or donating items related to afflicted planets can also help in reducing skin problems. For example, donating black items can appease Saturn.


Astrology offers a unique perspective on skin health, linking skin diseases to the influence of planets. By understanding the connection between celestial bodies and our skin, we can explore alternative remedies to improve our skin health. Whether it’s through gemstones, mantras, or herbal treatments, astrology provides various ways to address skin problems related to which planet is affecting us. By combining traditional medical treatments with astrological remedies, one can achieve better skin health and overall well-being.

Enroll today in the best medical astrology courses in India online at Astrowala and begin your transformation. Learn at your pace, engage with top astrologers in India, and explore the power of medical astrology through our certified course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Medical astrology links skin problems related to which planet to the influence of specific planets. For instance, Saturn is often associated with chronic skin conditions, while Mars is linked to inflammatory skin issues like acne.

In astrology, skin problems are commonly related to the planets Saturn and Mars. Saturn is linked to chronic conditions like eczema and psoriasis, while Mars is associated with inflammatory issues like acne and rashes.

Yes, astrology offers various remedies for skin diseases. These include wearing specific gemstones, reciting mantras, using herbal remedies, and observing fasting or donations to appease the afflicted planets.

To determine which planet is affecting your skin, you need to consult a knowledgeable astrologer who can analyze your birth chart. They can identify any afflicted planets and suggest appropriate skin disease remedies in astrology.

Common astrology skin problems remedies include wearing gemstones like blue sapphire for Saturn, chanting mantras to appease Mars, using herbs like neem, and incorporating color therapy, such as wearing white or light blue to reduce Mars’ negative effects.